Fullstack Software Engineer
Always listen to experts. The'll tell you
what can't be done and why. Then do it.
(Robert A. Heinlein)
My name is Jan Elznic, I am 38 years old and I am doing software development for web and mobile platforms. My specialization is web frontend applications (HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript). My first page I wrote in 1998. Ten years later (2008), I officially started my own business. I worked for several years as a freelancer, tried a full-time job for Czech and also some other European, American or Australian startups, medium-sized companies and big international corporations. More about my professional career you can learn from my resumé (CV).
I'm also interested in in UX, native mobile app development for Android + iOS platforms and artificial intelligence (AI).
I'm a fan of games of all kinds, Linux and Open Source - a few of my contributions to the world of open source can be found on my GitHub.
My favourite activities at spare time: Horse riding, cycling, skiing, water sports, skiing, travelling, reading, blogging and I like to visit the theatre, cinema or a festival.